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Sacred Intimacy


As a part of your emergence, you are being given the opportunity to learn how to transform sexual energy into spiritual power. 


Casting off the many limiting, erroneous and damaging beliefs about sex, you will upgrade your ability to directly access Divinity. 


And, perhaps, even more importantly at this time on Earth, you will come to recognize that sexual energy when correctly understood and practiced, is a powerful catalyst for Ascension.

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The Sacred Intimacy Courses

Level One:       Setting the Stage for Sacred Intimacy: Cultivating Harmony in Relationship

We will be sharing the true purpose of relationship; how our childhood imprinting is designed to repel intimacy; how to heal the rift between the masculine and the feminine. How to heal relationship “baggage,” wounding, and armoring. New tools designed to better understand yourself, your partner, and your needs. A conflict resolution process to de-escalate the energy when triggered. New agreements that help prioritize relationship harmony and sexual intimacy as a spiritual practice.  We will include inspirational storytelling, movement, music and lots of interactive group sharing.  Each class ends with an active harmonizing and healing meditation.

8 Online Classes

Hosted by The Bird Commission

Level Two:       The Heart-Genital Connection: A New Sexual Paradigm

Very few of us have received any formal training in sexual matters. In fact, much of what we have learned has come from extremely dubious sources that have failed to acknowledge the inherent unity of sex and spirit as well as the importance of cultivating and raising sexual energy.  Add to this, the demonization and subordination of women by the patriarchy and it’s no wonder that interest in sex is at an all-time low.  Men, too, have been misguided by a number of sexual myths that have served to mislead them.  Level Two addresses the Divine gift of our sexuality.  It presents a new sexual paradigm based on ancient wisdom that will accelerate your ascension journey, elevate your sexual pleasure, guide you into higher states of consciousness and end the cycle of abuse against women. women. Each class ends with an active healing and clearing meditation.

8 Online Classes

Hosted by The Bird Commission

Level Three:     Ending The Cycle of Abuse on Earth: Preparing for Ascension

The last time I researched statistics on sexual abuse, I was horrified to learn 6 out of 10 women and 4 out of 10 men had reported sexual abuse.  So, about 50% of humans are experiencing abuse and these are only the cases that are reported!  Having been molested myself as a child, I understand the far-reaching, negative impact abuse has on one’s life, and what is necessary to heal it.  Victor has worked with many victims of abuse (including myself). He brings his own wisdom as a holistic health educator as well as a teacher of tantra that will inspire you and motivate you to heal your own wounding.  There is no pre-requisite for this course.  You can take this one first or last, as you prefer. Each class ends with an active healing meditation.

8 Classes

Hosted by The Bird Commission

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Victor Gold is a holistic health educator specializing in erotic spirituality. In addition to being featured on several instructional videos on sexuality, including Deborah Sundahl’s, “Tantric Journey to Female Orgasm” and Joseph Kramer’s, “The Best of Vulva Massage." Victor has written several books, the latest of which is: Long Time Coming: A Guy’s Guide to Extending Orgasm for Fulfilling Sex.

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Long Time Coming will inspire you to improve your sex life in order to take your sexual experience to the next level. Having spent decades studying sexual secrets from the Far East, Victor Gold brings ancient wisdom and modern science together to create better and more fulfilling sex lives.

Great sex isn't about performing, doing it right, or being perfect. Great sex is about the connection and energy you share with your partner.

Aimée Lyndon-Adams has 30 years of experience working with amazing clients with similar worries and concerns and guiding them to achieve remarkable success. Her mission and commitment is to support extraordinary women and men of all races, religions, and sexual orientations. Aimée believes that it is the Western Woman that will change the world.


What sets Aimée apart from other practitioners is that she shares purpose with 12 Ascended Master Guides who channel love, wisdom and healing energy through her words and hands.


Together, Aimée and Victor anchor the energy of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.  As beloveds and tantric lovers for over 17 years, they live in harmony, peace, love, and laughter.  Two of Aimée’s Ascended Master Guides, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, visited with them on Christmas Eve 2021 to offer their assistance in teaching  Sacred Intimacy: The Sexual Path to Higher Consciousness.


In 2022, Aimée began teaching on Zoom with her beloved of almost 2 decades, Victor Gold.  Sacred Intimacy: The Dynamic Connection Between Sex and Spirit will comprise of three levels and be preceded by an Introductory Workshop:


Introductory Workshop Online: 

Level One:       Setting the Stage for Sacred Intimacy: Cultivating
                      Harmony in Relationship

Level Two:       The Heart-Genital Connection: Ending the cycle of abuse

Level Three:     A New Sexual Paradigm: Preparing for Ascension:


Each level is taught in 8 classes, they are all online and you can take them at your convenience.

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